Baidu Maps’ Lane-Level Navigation Set to Launch on Tesla, with New UI Design

On June 3rd, Baidu Maps released a video of the real-world testing of the Tesla-specific Baidu Maps V20 version, announcing that Baidu Maps’ lane-level navigation will soon be launched on Tesla.

In April, Baidu Vice President Shang Guobin announced at the Baidu Apollo smart car product launch that the four major versions of Baidu Maps V20 were officially launched. These are the Basic version, the 3D Leading version, the 3D Flagship version, and the SR Smart Driving version. The 3D Leading version was originally scheduled for a global debut on Tesla in May and will be applied to some models under Huawei.

The Tesla V20 version of Baidu Maps has undergone a major upgrade from 2D to 3D vision, with a new UI that is more intuitive and better suited for Tesla. The icons are more prominent, designed to alleviate drivers’ anxiety while waiting at lights, and have been launched at millions of intersections nationwide. It also has features such as camera reminders, lane departure warnings, bus lane reminders, and speeding reminders.

Tesla was originally scheduled to be the first to launch this version in May, and some models under Huawei will also adopt it, but it has not yet been launched. In addition, Shang Guobin revealed that two other top-selling car companies globally are about to fully launch the 3D Leading version, meaning that the 3D map experience will be widely applied to more models.

Baidu Maps posted on Weibo saying, “We know that everyone is a little excited about the launch time of Tesla Baidu Map V20. To make up for your wait, we had road-tested it for everyone, and here is the real testing video. Enjoy! Good things are coming, it will be launched soon, looking forward to meeting you all soon.”

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